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My acrobatic partner and I currently have titles that include 20 National Champions, 20 Athletes of the Year for the USA, 2014 Bronze Medal World Champions, and 2015 World Cup Champions (our most recent title). 'I started training in this amazing sport years ago I was enrolled into the sport by my parents at the age of 6, and am now 25 years old. Kiley Boynton and I have been working together for over three years.' Acrobatic Gymnastics involves partner work where each person uses their 'partner' as apparatus (a little different than Artistic Gymnastics which is most commonly known and seen on the Olympics). 'Acrobatic Gymnastics is a combination of dance, strength, stamina, balance, flexibility, endurance and beauty. Ward told Outsports more about his sport via email as he was traveling back to Los Angeles: Ward, from Riverside, Calif., is openly gay and the gold medal helped him achieve an athletic goal. in the sport by winning the Acrobatic World Cup mixed pairs event in Geneva, Switzerland, this weekend. Acrobatic gymnast Ryan Ward and his partner Kiley Boynton achieved a first for the U.S.

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